jQuery conference 2011
A few weekends ago I went to the jQuery Conference held at the MS campus in Mountain View. And I took notes!
Overall trends about the jQuery community:
People are writing more complex apps on top of jQuery and there is a widely understood need for MVC frameworks, such as Backbone.js, Knockout.js and JavaScript MVC.
Feature detection is important!
- Polyfill - replicates standard feature with a compatible API
- Shim - provides its own API for a future feature
Serious need for templating systems. Boris Moore showed a very performant demo of jQuery Templates. Many other templating systems exist as well, like one built into underscore.js and mustache.js.
Many new mobile performance tools: blaze.io -- a tool that gives a general overview of a site's performance, pcapperf -- a web performance analyzer that uses tcpdump output from mobile device activity, and jDrop -- a service that lets you capture large amounts of data on your mobile device and then analyze it on the desktop web browser.
People are rallying around JSHint, a fork of Crockford's JSLint project, but with more configurable JavaScript sanitation rules.
Haters gotta hate. Everybody seems to get a kick out of hating Douglas Crockford. Give the nice opinionated man a break and go write some JavaScript.
I went to a bunch of talks, and I took the most notes for during this talk:
State of jQuery
John Resig talked about a bunch of changes to the project structure, largely irrelevant to jQuery library consumers. He also covered some of many jQuery 1.6 improvements:
- Rewrite of
. For example,attr('val', false)
removes the attribute - Separate
. Indeed! $('input:focus')
gets focused input box across platforms- Significant performance boosts:
performance ~85% faster,val()
~150% faster,data()
~115% faster
- Integration with requestAnimationFrame for animations
$.map(Object, function)
now works (as it does for Arrays)
Pro tip: jQuery automatically parses serialized JSON if it's included as the value
of a HTML5 data attribute. Example: <header data-array="[0,1,2]">
$('header').data('array')[1] == 1
State of jQuery Mobile
Mobile matters. 5.3 billion mobile subscriptions (cf. global population of 6.8 billion), 10 billion web-enabled mobile devices.
John Resig also touched on jQuery Mobile, and then Scott Jehl and Todd Parker went into a lot more detail.
- Navigation model now uses the history API for hash-less URLs.
- jQM minified and packed is ~18kb!
- Nice gallery of goodness at jQuery Mobile Gallery
- Including Obama's mobile site!
- Media queries
- Useful as a browser support cutoff heuristic.
- CSS classes added based on media queries, facilitating simpler styles
- Uses Respond.js, a polyfill for browsers that don't support media queries
- Philosophy: easily brandable cross-device experience
- All builtin views are ARIA-enabled
Pro tip: mouse events in some mobile browsers are on a 300ms delay to allow the browser to interpret user's gestures. jQuery Mobile includes a fix for this!
Prototyping Tools in jQuery
Super useful and informative set of tools!
MockJAX is a library that simulates a server.
- Intercepts and simulates AJAX calls
- Define a URL structure and a response structure
- Can define responses as a function.
- Can simulate error responses.
- Useful for unit testing as well!
MockJSON: create fake JSON on demand
- A way to generate random-ish JSON
- For example,
outputs{'age': randint_between_0_and_99}
Amplify: abstraction layer for all data
- Abstracts away shifting server-side APIs
- amplify.request.define can define a data store.
For example:
amplify.request.define("list", "ajax", {
url: "/todo/",
dataType: "json",
type: "GET"